SAVE THE DATE! Becker Education and Engagement Day will return on September 28th, 2024!
Event Information
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Event Information
Get Involved
BEED 2024 Post-Event Survey
What is your relationship to Becker?
Individual living with Becker
Spouse/Partner to someone living with Becker
Parent to someone living with Becker
Other family member/non-parent to someone living with Becker
Other relation to someone living with Becker (please elaborate)
Other (i.e., Healthcare Provider, Advocacy Group Representative, Sponsor, etc.)
Please elaborate:
Which BEED location did you attend?
Seattle WA
Sacramento CA
Dallas TX
Orlando FL
St. Louis MO
Pittsburgh PA
Was this your first time attending BEED?
If you attended BEED in 2023, which location did you attend?
Pittsburgh PA
Gainesville FL
Aurora CO
Sacramento CA
Overall, how satisfied were you with the 2024 Becker Education and Engagement Day?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not satisfied
Opportunity to elaborate:
How far did you travel to attend BEED?
0-100 miles
101-250 miles
251-400 miles
over 400 miles
Did you utilize the provided hotel room stay for the event?
Did you stay 1 or 2 nights?
One night
Two nights
Would you have attended if this was not available to you?
Opportunity to elaborate:
How satisfied were you with the venue where this event was held?
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Opportunity to elaborate:
Do you have any additional feedback about the venue? (i.e., meeting space, restrooms, hotel rooms, parking, etc.)
Prior to the event, did you request travel assistance? (outside of the hotel stay)
Would you have attended if this was not available to you?
Please detail that assistance here:
How likely would you be to attend an event like this again in the future?
Opportunity to elaborate:
How far would you be willing to travel to attend BEED in the future?
0-100 miles
101-250 miles
251-400 miles
over 400 miles
In the future, if BEED is offered at fewer or different locations, please identify your first choice from the following:
Choose one
Multiple locations across the United States
Two primary locations (East Coast and West Coast)
One central location
Please pick your second choice from the following:
Two primary locations (East Coast and West Coast)
One central location
Please pick your second choice from the following:
Multiple locations across the United States
Two primary locations (East Coast and West Coast)
Please pick your second choice from the following:
Multiple locations across the United States
One central location
Overall, did the BEED agenda cover topics you were interested in?
Are there any topics that were not covered in the agenda that you would want to see at future events?
Please rank how relevant each of this year's agenda topics were for you.
Very Relevant
Somewhat Relevant
Not Relevant
Becker Overview and Care Considerations
Cardiac Care in Becker
Exercise and Physical Therapy in Becker
Becker Clinical Trials and Research
Mental Wellness
Planning for the Future
Building Community
What additional feedback do you have about this event?
We would love to share quotes from attendees about how they felt about this event, or their hopes for the Becker community. These quotes will be anonymous. If you would like to share anything to share that we could use for this purpose, please do so below.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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